12 Week Weight-loss Challenge

UPDATE!!!! — It's May 14th, so weigh in today. And then send me an email (mail@mikeeagan.com).

Here are the expanded rules:

• The competition starts Monday, May 14

• Weigh-in days are every Monday, except for the final week when the weigh-in will be on Friday, Aug. 10.  I figured I'd give you guys a break and let the last weigh-in be BEFORE the weekend instead of after.

• Weigh-ins will be taken by you at your home on the honor system. You must call, email or tell me the results at work by Tuesday so I can post the weight loss every Wednesday. Email me at mail@mikeeagan.com or

• Two First Place winners—male and female—will be awarded for most weight lost. There will be prizes, but I haven't figured out what they'll be yet. People who hit their goal weight will receive an Honorable Mention.

You don't have to tell me how much you weigh. Just send me an email telling me how many pounds you'd like to lose. For example, I'm looking to lose 15 pounds. So that means I'll want to lose 2.5  pounds the first couple of weeks, and then about one pound per week the next ten weeks. I doubt it will work out that smoothly, but that's okay. Anyway, you'll know if I hit my goal when I report each week.

You just report what you lost that week, or.... gained. I'll post weekly results on the Break Room Bulletin Board so we can keep track and stay competitive.

• There are three ways to enter—either sign up on the sheet in the break room, email me at mail@mikeeagan.com or call my cell at 512-363-6181. You may compete anonymously if you like, just give me a call or send me an email.  You can even be anonymous from me if you have an email address that doesn't reveal your identity. However, to win, you must eventually tell me who you are. Winners will have their pictures put up in the break room, but I'm still trying to figure out some kind of reward.

• For links to free weight-training workouts and calorie counting sites, go to www.mikeeagan.com/weight.html